Innovative Facebook pages – Wired – Wired uses the Spotlight effectively. Most of our detailed CG and GL information should be used in spotlights and stories (also lots of video)
Facebook Live: This would be great for Irene and Darren and would inspire group membership and page likes. Idea: use Live sessions to remind people to register for a webinar. FB Events: for webinars. Use FB lead form ads to get people to sign up faster.
Why do you follow Facebook pages (or other channels)? My reason is to “bookmark” the channel so I don’t forget. Same with email newsletters. It must have content that is valuable to me. Why would our members and potential members want to follow our GL FB page?
Post ideas for lead generation – – example and info:
Facebook Groups – The best examples – Public and private
Group members interact with each other- This is guided by the group admin posts
-negatives: misinformation, moderation of posts and content, answering questions
-positives: If we build a strong community our group will be valuable
Strategy for FB groups: Public group has general content and private group is like a club where “publics” will want to join for access to better information.
Automate the private group experience: After joining, private group members have access to an automated system (using Dot Digital or Cartra) where members get content sent to them and the whole system is gamified with prizes and activities.
Example: BRCA 1/2 gene group
Drawbacks: privacy: