Jon W. Ewell
Creative Director
Thanks for visiting. Let’s tell some amazing visual stories together. I’m looking for new opportunities in XR/AR, Web 3, Video, Audio/Podcasts, Design, Illustration, Social Media and Data Visualization.

This is a simple AR feature to highlight a genomics health screen. Click the AR symbol to view in 3D or to place the experience in a physical space near you.
This is a simple AR feature to show a digital twin of a boardroom. Click the AR symbol to view in 3D or to place the experience in a physical space near you.
Augmented Reality Boardroom
This was a quick pre-viz I made of a nightclub/restaurant design for an investment presentation.
Print Design – Direct Mail brochure for Nestle
I designed this booklet in English and Spanish through an agency for Nestle. I was involved with the planning and strategy, design and mechanicals for print.

Brand Talk
Branding – Biotech
I was hired to rebrand this product and the parent company. I also redesigned their collateral, packaging, website and email communications.

Brand Talk

Brand Talk

Brand Talk